Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Boxing Fundamentals

Boxing - How to Wrap Your Hands For Boxing:http://www.chadhowsefitness.com/members/ivan-drago

Want to learn how to box? 

Chad Howse takes you through this unique series that will teach you how to move, defend, and punch like a pro boxer.

Chad has dedicated to helping guys build their ideal body, and ideal life in the process. He has developed a successful business that help guys do just this through unique training techniques that incorporate boxing, weight training, and an abundance of unconventional tactics.

Although he now has a successful business where he can work from anywhere, doing something that he truly loves, this wasn't always so. For the majority of his life, Chad was skinny, weak, and unconfident. 

To learn more about how he turned things around, visit his site (link below) and joint the growing community where more and more guys are becoming LEGENDARY, as Chad likes to refer to the life he's helping others build. Join in and become a part of this growing Tribe!

For more on Chad, and how to get a V Shape Torso, head over to his site:http://chadhowsefitness.com and comment on his latest blog post.

Follow him on Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/pages/ChadHowseFitnesscom/262912726330

And Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/ChadHowse


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