Sunday, 4 March 2012

Fighting Talk with Adnan Amar

B: Beginning at the beginning, how did you first become involved in boxing?

AA: I think we're all a small boxing fan if you've watched Rocky lol, but I think it all started for me when I was a teenager, abt 15 or 16. I was very enthusiastic about sports, and I started to train down at the local boxing club in Radford, Nottingham...where Herol bomber Graham first started. I got really serious about boxing when I saw Naz box and I was truly inspired by him. 

B: According to your website, you cite your favourite boxers to include Mohammad Ali and Floyd Mayweather Jnr. Can you explain what it is about these two fighters that you most admire?

AA: I say one of my all time boxing heroes is Muhammad Ali primarily for his outstanding accomplishment as an individual then as a fighter, and Floyd Mayweather for his dedication and success as a fighter. I also admire Sugar Ray Leonard and Naseem Hamed very much for what they were able to do.

B: To what extent do you try to fight like them?

AA: I do watch them, and try to study their techniques, I find this helps me, but only to enhance my own unique style and improve my abilities. You cannot copy any1 and be them. 

B: Can you describe the way you build up to a fight in the last hour beforehand? What are your changing room routines?

AA: I am quite religious, and I'm not afraid to say it, I owe everything to God, and I find the best way for me to stay relaxed and focused is through prayer. And I just enjoy every minute of the experience with my team around me. 

B: Can you outline a typical training day?

AA: A typical training day for me starts at 6am, I'm up, washed, do my morning prayer, then I'm in the gym warming up for 20 mins or so shadow boxing and stretching. Then Dominic Ingle will arrive around 6.45 and he will put myself and about 9 others (sometimes more) through a series of different circuits. Leg drills, push ups, pull ups, squat jumps, sprints, medicine ball abdominal exercises etc pretty intensive stuff for about half an hour then running gear on and its a minimum 4 mile run! That's just the morning. The afternoon session I arrive in the gym around 3.15 and start warming up on the 'lines' practising my footwork and going thru different combinations switching orthodox/southpaw, for about 45 mins. Then I get in and spar for 10 rounds, after that I'll do a few rounds on the bag and some padwork. 

Adnan amar speedball wizardry

B: What aspect of training do you least enjoy and why?

AA: I enjoy it all, but if I had to pick 1 I enjoy the least it would be skipping.

B: What has been your best.and worse moment in the boxing ring?

AA: My best moment in the boxing ring was winning the English Belt, as I was not even 50% that day and I still won convincingly. The worst moment would have to be losing in my 1st title fight against Dean Hickman but that made me a better fighter so maybe it wasn't so bad.

B: What would you say are your greatest strengths as a boxer?

AA: My footwork and movement, and my unorthodox moves are my strengths, and of course my will to win.

B: What advice would you give to anyone thinking of starting boxing with regard to choosing a gym etc?

AA: I would always advise some1 to join a gym where there is a good atmosphere and if they are taking it seriously and not just to keep fit join a gym that has a track record for producing good fighters and champions.

B: Who would you like as sparring partners for your next training camp and why?

AA: I've got great sparring partners in the gym so there's no need to get in anyone else. I have Kell Brook, Junior Witter, Adam Etches, and others who can give me what I need.

B: Who has been your toughest opponent so far and why?

AA: I'd say the toughest and he was quite determined when I fought him was Darren Gethin because he kept coming all night for 10 rounds no matter what I hit him with, until I knocked him out in the 10th and he wasn't the same after that. He wasn't strong or skilled but just relentlessly coming toward and willing to take everything.

B: Do you use any supplements in your diet?

AA: I use multi vitamins and multi minerals nothing more.

B: How easy do you find making weight?

AA: Making weight is not a problem, it requires tremendous discipline though, but if it was easy everyone would have less than 8% body fat and a six pack 

B: What made you chose your current gym and trainer?

AA: I always liked the Ingles, ever since I started boxing, and I always knew I would be trained by them. I've always had the 'typical' ingle style. Its always worked for me.

B: If styles make fights, what style would you be looking for in an ideal opponent for you and can you suggest 2 boxers that would fit the bill?

AA: At this moment in time my ideal opponent is my next opponent Lee Purdy, he has the type of come forward style that suits my style of fighting perfectly. Our styles will gel nicely and it will be a fantastic fight. 

Thanks for that, Adnar and good luck with your future. 

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