Monday, 30 January 2012


B: First off, thanks for agreeing to this interview and congratulations on another win last Saturday night at York Hall against a seasoned opponent, Robin Deakin. Lets start by asking what plans you have for the coming year.

RT: To stay busy, keep improving and winning and to let my manager and promoter make the decisions for my career.

B: Who has been your toughest opponent so far and why?

RT: Not sure really, different opponents offer different tests.

B: Going back to your boxing roots, what started your interest in boxing and how old were you when you first set foot in a boxing ring?

RT: First I did Karate at 6yrs old, I then got my black belt at 10. Then at 12yrs old I wanted to box so my dad took me to someone he knew from school who ran a boxing gym, that was Joey Chapman who ran Newham boxing Gym.

B: You have said that you have an interest in boxing’s rich history. What draws you to studying that alongside training for your own matches?

RT: To basically learn about the sport I'm involved in. I enjoy watching boxing fights as well as being involved in them.

B: Does a knowledge of boxing history help you in approaching your own fights and, if so, how?

RT: I guess you learn things from other fighters and try to incorporate what works for you in a fight.

B: Who was/is your own boxing hero and why?

RT: I don’t have a hero, but I enjoy watching many fighters.

B: If you could choose any opponent to fight when the time was right, who would you choose?

RT: I only really look at here and now and who I could fight.

B: How do you prepare, mentally for a fight?

RT: Relax and know that I have done all the hard work and try to put it into practice.

B: This has been your third fight at York Hall. How would you describe the atmosphere in that iconic place?

RT: The atmosphere at York Hall is great.

B: What advice would you give to someone considering starting out as a boxer?

RT: Be prepared to work hard and don’t give up, try to believe in yourself.

B: Do you use any dietary supplements and if so, any you would recommend?

RT: No not really just eat well.

B: As a boxer, what would you consider to be your greatest strength?

RT: My work ethic and hard headed attitude.

B: To what extend does the support of a live crowd effect your performance in the ring?

RT: My fans and supporters mean a lot and push me on in the ring, their support is great.

B: You currently have a facebook page but no twitter account. Any plans to get one and how to you see social networking helping you in your boxing career?

RT: It’s possible, social networking is another way to help me keep in contact with my friends and to also let them know when I am fighting.

B: Can you give us all an insight into your training regime?

RT: The usual boxing routines, they are no secret.

B: Do you find it difficult to make weight?

RT: Not really, if I stay dedicated to my diet then it’s not a problem.

B: Thanks man. Good luck in the future both in and out of the ring. I am sure you will be a sure prospect to watch.


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